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Quizzes - Can quiz answers have case sensitivity and/or allow a specific number of significant figures and decimals?

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526 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Quiz


Currently, there is no algorythm in Canvas to process case sensitivity automatically in a "fill in the blank" or "short answer" assessment. However, students do have access to the Rich Content Editor in a Quiz response; and, with that, they can use upper-case, lower-case, Super-scriptedn and Sub-scriptedn variables. One suggestion would be to offer questions that require specific case-sensitivity using the Essay Question feature in Canvas and grade those responses manually rather than having Canvas grade them automatically.

The students would have the ability, for example, to write a chemical formula:



Write an Algebraic response
