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How do I login to Canvas?

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1699 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Technical Support Canvas Password

You can access your Shasta College Online Courses by clicking on the Log In To The Shasta College Portal button from the SC Online Page; or, you can click below:

Enter your Username and Password; make sure to check the "I am Staff / Faculty" box

Staff/Faculty Login

Once you have logged into the Shasta College Portal, click the Canvas Icon:

Canvas Icon

Communications - Where can I get a free web conferencing account like the one you use for webinars and meetings?

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659 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 27, 2020    Zoom Web Conferencing CCC Chancellor's Office

For webinars and meetings, the Office of Educational Technology uses:

ConferZoom Logo

Need a CCC ConferNow Zoom account?

CCC ConferZoom is a service for the administrators, staff and faculty of the California Community colleges system.

Sign up now It's free to anyone with a California Community College email address​!

ConferZoom is funded by a grant from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.

Communications - What options do I have for communicating with my students?

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Canvas provides many options for maintaining regular, effective and substantive communication with your students. Aside from using the Announcements wherein you may send a message to all the students in your course; there are a variety of other options as well.

  1. The "Inbox" or, "Conversations", tool allows you to send private messages to one or more students. There are features that allow you to send one message to all students; or, you can send one message to all students; but, it becomes an individual message to each similar to the bcc feature in most email clients: Read more about the features in Conversations.
  2. Using Assignment Feedback is another way to communicate with your students. Utilizing the feature to use timely feedback helps the student gauge progress on each assignment.
  3. Keeping your grading up to date provides students with immediate, effective communication from you. The SpeedGrader in Canvas offers amazing tools for you leave written feedback on an assignment, leave a voice recording, or a video of you praising your students for a job well done. 
  4. Conferences makes it easy to conduct synchronous (real-time) lectures for all of the students in your course. Conferences allows you to broadcast real-time audio, video, demo applications on your desktop, share presentation slides, or demo any online resources.
  5. The Chat tool in Canvas allows you and your students to interact synchronously. A word of caution - Chat is not private and remains a permanent part of your course.

I have created my course and filled it with awesome content; the semester has started; yet, my students are reporting that they cannot see the course. Why?

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596 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Courses Publishing Technical Support

The most common reason that students cannot see your awesome content that you have prepared is because the course is not published. 


Here is a Canvas Guide that illustrates how to Publish Your Course.


Quizzes - When I set up a quiz is there a way to show more than one question at a time (something other than 'one' or 'all')?

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591 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Quiz

No. The only option that Canvas offers for questions while the students are taking the test is to "Show one question at a time"

This Canvas Guide covers the variable options available to you when setting up a quiz in Canvas:

What options are available in Canvas quizzes?

Assignments - Is there a way to show categories in the student view of the gradebook?

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569 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Gradebook Assignment

Yes. categories for the gradebook are referred to as "Assignment Groups" in Canvas and are managed through the Assignments link in the Course navigation menu..

From the student gradebook, if you have Assignment Groups set up, the students see those Assignment Groups from their view as well

This Canvas Guide for Students goes step by step how the students will view their grades and also shows them how to view the Assignment Groups:

How do I view my grades in a current course?


Communications - How do I send messages to specific group(s) of students instead of the whole class?

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565 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Communication Grade Gradebook

From the Canvas Inbox feature, you can send messages to one student or multiple students.  To select multiple users, hold the CTRL key for PC and the Command key for Mac.  This will keep the student roster open, enabling you to select multiple students.  If you are sending your message to multiple users, but you do not want each user to see who else was included on the message, click the Send Individual Message to Each Recipient checkbox, outlined under the Send Message heading of the guide.

Feature Requests - Is there a timeline for voting in the community forum?

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536 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Feature Request Canvas

Canvas maintains a FAQ regarding the feature idea process

Gradebook - When I am in the gradebook, how do I get back to my class homepage?

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536 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Grade Gradebook

To get back to your course from the gradebook, click on the course name at the top of the page, it is a blue hyperlink that goes to the course homepage. 

Quizzes - Is there a master re-grade button for quizzes?

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529 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Gradebook Grade Quiz

There are a variety of situations in which quizzes can be regraded.

Communications - Can I post announcements on the homepage?

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524 views   |   1 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Homepage Communication Annoucement

This change provides instructors the ability show announcements as part of the course homepage when users view Canvas in a web browser.  To learn more, there is a Canvas Guide to provide information.

Discussions - Can I have two due dates in one discussion post?

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520 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Discussion

At this time, no.  However, Canvas does have this feature idea on their radar. 

Communications - Can I send an email to all classes?

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518 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Communication Inbox

The best way to send an email to students in all your classes is to compose the message in Word or similar.  Open the Canvas Inbox, create a new message and paste your text.  Complete for each course.

Assignments - Is there a way to track extra credit?

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516 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Extra Credit Grade Gradebook

There are several ways to track the extra credit offerings in a course.  How you will go about doing this depends on your grading scheme--weighted or unweighted. Canvas has developed a guide to show you the possibilities for extra credit.  If you use a weighted gradebook, please pay attention to the information near the bottom of the guide.

Gradebook - Can I edit student grades in the individual view?

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513 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Grade Gradebook


The Gradebook Individual View allows instructors to assess one student and one assignment at a time. Fully accessible to screen readers, this Gradebook view allows instructors to sort by section and assignment and contains all the same settings that are available in the default Gradebook View.

Canvas has a Guide that explains this:

How do I view assignments or students individually in the Gradebook?

Quizzes - Can I make automatic comments for quizzes in Canvas?

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510 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Communication Grade Gradebook

You can create automatic feedback for questions in Canvas. 

This Canvas Guide illustrates how to setup a question in Canvas

Quizzes - Can quiz answers have case sensitivity and/or allow a specific number of significant figures and decimals?

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503 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Quiz

Currently, there is no algorythm in Canvas to process case sensitivity automatically in a "fill in the blank" or "short answer" assessment. However, students do have access to the Rich Content Editor in a Quiz response; and, with that, they can use upper-case, lower-case, Super-scriptedn and Sub-scriptedn variables. One suggestion would be to offer questions that require specific case-sensitivity using the Essay Question feature in Canvas and grade those responses manually rather than having Canvas grade them automatically.

The students would have the ability, for example, to write a chemical formula:



Write an Algebraic response


Discussions - What options do I have for organizing discussion forums?

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495 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Discussion

You can view all replies in a discussion by scrolling or searching content. Focused discussion replies are shown in hierarchical order; threaded discussions are hierarchical, collapsable, and expandable.

This Canvas Guide explains the sorting features for discussion threads.

Badges - Can badges appear in places other than the student profile?

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492 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Badges

There are external resources that provide students a place to store their badges in digital backpacks.  For example, Mozilla's Backpack from Open Badges.  The Open Badges app displays a user’s public badges from Mozilla Backpack within Canvas. This app is a way your students can view the badges they have earned.

Quizzes - How do I randomize quiz question order?

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477 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Mar 06, 2018    Quiz

You can create a quiz using a question group. Question groups provide the opportunity to place multiple questions within a group for students to answer. You can choose the number of questions that should be answered from the group and how many points to assign each question. This Canvas Guide will explain the steps to take.

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